Dr. Lubega Sulaiman, Awarded the Terry King Traveling Scholarship Award

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 On September 5-8, the annual Pediatric and Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium (PICS-AICS) took place in Las Vegas, Nevada at the MGM Grant.  This annual conference gathers Cardiac Interventionalists from the world and feature live cases beamed from national/international venues, showcase the latest medical device technology, symposiums, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities.  

The Terry King Traveling Scholarship Award is awarded to an interventionalist from a country with an evolving congenital cardiac program to attend the meeting to provide an opportunity to share ideas, techniques and knowledge to developing programs. Dr. Lubega Sulaiman was selected as this year’s 2018 Terry King Traveling Scholarship Award. 

Dr. Sulaiman attended the symposium and joined Dr. Kanishka Ratnayaka from World Children’s Initiative in Las Vegas. He noted:

“The opportunity to network and learn at the PICS-AICS conference is invaluable for both me and the Uganda Heart Institute (UHI).  I look forward to implementing new ideas and technologies to UHI as we continue to develop our program.”

The number of independent cases completed by UHI continues to grow every year. In 2013, 3 cases were completed independently by UHI.  In 2017, 100 cases were completed.  The information gained by Dr. Sulaima at PICS-AICS will help to continue growing the Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization program at Uganda Heart Institute. 

Mickie Okamoto