Project Shanta: Sri Lanka
In post-civil war Sri Lanka, educational opportunities for children are still lacking.
Although thousands of young people possess the skills and desire to excel academically, and become the future leaders of this once war-torn nation, they often do not have the financial and academic support to do so.
WCI’s Solution
WCI created the Shanta Fund in honor of the late, Dr. Shanta Ratnayaka, an acclaimed educator, and well-known professor of religious studies at University of Georgia, whose life was dedicated to enriching the minds of young, talented students.
WCI partnered with Educate Lanka, a nationally recognized non-profit leader in providing education assistance in Sri Lanka, to fund the Shanta Fund scholarships for enterprising young students who served embodied Dr. Ratnayaka’s passion for learning.
Shanta Fund scholarships support promising students from different geographic and ethnic backgrounds, because we believe that doing so is critical to economically uplifting the nation, while helping heal its long-standing ethnic divisions.
WCI has recently selected its first cohort of Shanta Fund scholars, hailing from varied regions, and ethnic and religious backgrounds.
WCI will be monitoring their progress, helping Educate Lanka empower these Shanta Fund scholars towards academic and leadership positions to benefit their communities.