Project PPE: United States
Today, we are facing a pandemic of unbelievable proportions that is affecting all of us. We sit in our homes, physically distant from the world. We wash our hands feverishly hoping and praying this virus doesn’t find its way to our doors. We are glued to media and screens trying to understand this. It is overwhelming, confusing and outright scary.
The COVID-19 pandemic hits the very core of our sense of obligation to help people in need. Every day we are seeing in the news and experiencing the unacceptable conditions that our healthcare providers are asked to work in. The lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and N95 masks is highlighted nationwide.
WCI’s Solution in partnership with Charlotte MEDI
Katie testing a prototype - Photo Credit: Charlotte MEDI
Shields delivered by Charlotte MEDI to frontline heroes - Photo Credit: Charlotte MEDI
WCI is partnered with Charlotte MEDI to produce 3‐D printed and injection molded face shields for use by doctors and other medical personnel.
Charlotte MEDI was formed when Katie, a student of Charlotte Latin’s FabLab, reached out to the FabLab director after her dad told her about the PPE shortage at the hospital. Prototypes were quickly created and after a few phone calls/texts to other Charlotte Latin Staff, UNCC, and friends in the community - Charlotte MEDI was formed. Within 10 days forming, they began sending shields to their local hospitals and set a goal to deliver 15,000 shields/week to their local hospitals.
WCI saw this partnership as an opportunity to help Charlotte MEDI expand their goals. We made an initial investment of $50,000 to finance the production and distribution of additional ten thousand shields immediately to healthcare workers across the nation.
To date, we have donated 25,000 face shields across the nation to 13 states (+ Washington D.C.) in 27 days!
This initiative – Project PPE reflects WCI’s core values: Empowering youth-led entrepreneurial health care innovations that can change outcomes for thousands in need, especially the most vulnerable amongst us.
This clear plastic shield extends an inch or two in front of someone’s nose, leaving the user enough room to wear a surgical mask or N95 mask underneath thus protecting the integrity of the mask and giving an extra shield against contamination.
Hospitals have a low supply of masks and are asking staff to reuse the ones they have - this shield will help each N95 mask last longer with more protection.